A very good question.The IOC movement is so rife with corruption, arrogance and incompetence....and therefore opaque, that your question can never be answered. There was a bimbo chick on Canadian TV, just before the Winter event in Vancouver...a marquis member of Canada's team...on the air, begging and pleading for the glorious Olympic movement...and the need to GIVE to the movement. I'm not quoting, but it went something like this:......." ..the Games permit us to reach our personal best(s).........and it's good for the country, too......." ????????????
What an idiot. IOC people are wannabe aristocrats who go first class all the way, participating in their stupid events. They do not even administer it properly. And Carl Lewis has always had the last laugh. He is said to have run as fast as Johnson. HE, like Ben Johnson, must have been on the same drugs, to run equally as fast. Did anyone ever think of that? No, the IOC oafs were too busy covering up their criminal responsibility in the death of the Georgian ice-sledder. If such an event would have occurred in the States, they would have sued the IOC back into the Stone Age. Here in Canada, like the saps we are, we allowed the IOC to run rough-shod over Canadian law, refusing women to ski-jump, and certifying for safe use, an ultra-treacherous ice track, that killed a young Georgian man, who was held responsible for his own death. And we see all the good, the Games have done for Greece. Millionaires watching millionaires. I hope to see protestors riot throughout the Games in London. How can they rationalize the expenditure of such vast sums, on what basically is an elitist entertainment for rich fools, with the growing Debt Crisis, and the looming CLASS WAR. How?
Drug-laced athletes, performing in rigged events on an un-even playing field. HEY !!!!....What else could one ask for??? I ask for football hooligans to OCCUPY THE GAMES. IOC...OUT...OUT...OUT.