Criticising the Olympics as the worst ever because NBC's coverage has been crap seems grossly unfair. It's not the fault of the organising committee that one of the broadcasters has sucked. The coverage on the BBC has been brilliant.
Yes, these games have been beset by problems, and that means they probably will be remembered as one of the less impressive ones. But, that criticism really is not fair. It's not the organising committee's fault it hasn't snowed enough, unforeseen technical problems can happen anywhere, hardly grounds for savage criticism. Kumaritashvili's death still needs to be properly investigated. Was lack of practice time a factor? Was it simply the track design? Driver error? If it was a mistake on his part that caused it then that raises the question of whether he was skilled enough to be there in the first place. There were limited fields in the skeleton as the FIBT felt it was too difficult for many to do safely, why wasn't that the case in the luge?
The only thing I can think of so far that is a really serious error that can not be pinned on anyone but the organising committee is the injury to Petra Majdic in the training for the sprint cross country. She skidded off the course, fell down a 3 metre slope and ended up with 4 broken ribs and a collapsed lung. The can be no excuse for there not being a fence there to prevent it. The other bad thing that can be blamed on the organising committee is the own the podium crap and the hideously unsporting way non-Canadians were denied training time on the courses. That was a clear breach of the Olympic spirit of fair competition.
Is that enough to call it the worst games ever? Probably not, it's not seen 11 athletes get murdered and it's not been hosted in a country with an atrocious human rights record (as has happened 3 times before, winter and summer games in Nazi Germany in 36 then Beijing 08).
Personally, I've really enjoyed the games, I've not liked the unsporting own the podium crap or the crowds making noise while competitors are trying to concentrate, but there's also been some awesome performances that have made them really enjoyable to watch.