Richmond Oval: Yeah, they have been having some ice problems, but they seem to have it all sorted out by now.
Luge track: It was a tragic accident, but the course has been in use for a while now and, although they have made several more safety precautions since the accident, and I don't mean to sound insensitive but some of it is due to human error, and
there is always risks in a sport like luge.
Downhill ski track: Obviously it is a hard track, look at the last games in Turin, though, where the track was much too easy.
Snow: Whistler has gotten pretty good snow, but Cypress has been a problem. They have "imported" snow from higher elevations however...there is enough on the tracks, though.
Overall, no games are without their problems and controversies. Vancouver certainly isn't an exception.
The warm weather is not because of Global Warming it is due to El Nino (a weather pattern).